Professional Testimonials From Agencies Who Implement One or More Programs From the CLFC Curriculum Series
Duane R. Booker
The Creating Lasting Family Connections Curriculum is the most flexible and effective program we have implemented in our entire 20 year history. We currently deliver the curriculum in 17 schools in three districts, as well as city and county juvenile justice programs, and a suburban community based site. Educators and probation officers alike continue to comment favorably on the noticeable positive changes in behavior and improved conduct of their students and probationers. The curriculum, coupled with the outstanding “Staff Implementation Training” combines to create a powerful message and approach to facilitating positive and lasting growth opportunities for youth and their families.
Associate Executive Director Prevention and Intervention Services Dallas Challenge Inc.
Dallas, Texas
Jeff Riggs
We have been implementing this program with the youth in our correctional facility and the youth have really enjoyed the groups and the information we are providing them. They find the topics also reinforce and help them practice things they knew previously.
Anthony Jackson
Just completed another class with kids at the Alternative High School. They received credit for attending. Despite all our stresses and imperfections, we all learned something and all connected. It’s a matter of trusting in the process and the curriculum. My Co-facilitators helped me lighten up, work as a teammate, and gave great examples of setting boundaries. The kids couldn’t share as a group very well, but each connected individually with one of us. CLFC brings peace to many of the kids. I’m grateful to be a conduit.
C. Owens
As a CLFC Master Trainer for four years has opened opportunities for employment and in my confidence level, being only a high school graduate, I find myself very marketable in the employment field by listing the modules and being certified in that area. I also talk to participants who are like me and want to work in this area. That CLFC is plain and simple to learn. CLFC Master Training increases your confidence. It is loaded with direct information that you can use in your family and community connectedness. I am proud and was truly blessed when I decided to take this curriculum. I would testify to anyone and anywhere that the knowledge gain will help you and anyone you come in contact with, so thank you Ted and CLFC staff for the opportunity and knowledge you have given me.
Donna Jenkins
The Youth really enjoyed the Getting Real module. They enjoyed the role-playing so much we added an additional session so that they could practice “Getting Real”. As we move toward “Developing a Positive Response” we were so involved with asking questions and sharing experiences you could see the interest. I am learning and growing as I facilitate the CLFC program, and to see the interaction and hear the response from youth is a great feeling to see they want to learn and grow also.
The CLFC model has been wonderful and very practical in its implementation. We are figuring out ways of bringing it into schools. The Master training has provided some valuable contacts for implementation. We are looking forward to future implementations this year.
Testimonials from Program Participants
John A. Caines
During the past 20 weeks, while participating in the CLFC Program, I have found this entire program to be extremely informative from start to finish. The program itself is broken down into different modules or sections. In each section different information is presented and as a participant your experience will vary. Each module is very helpful but some modules can be more helpful for different individuals. I found that the module called “Getting Real” was the most helpful for me. Although I have always known how to say “no” however I have been persuaded to change my answer. This module has taught me how to say “no” and be firm while I respect the other individual’s thoughts and feelings, and in the same sense respecting myself. I would definitely encourage others to participate in this positive experience.
Kennith Wynn
It has been an absolute pleasure having an opportunity to improve my social skills and coping skills. I feel more confident when dealing with conflict and adverse situations. I have taken full advantage of this learning opportunity and I plan on continuing to use it in everyday life!
David Geoghegan
Very good program, understanding staff. The program discusses various life skills, not just drugs and alcohol!
Trenity Acklin
I would like to thank the people who took their time out to show me a better way of living. One big thing I have learned is dealing with my kids. That has been a big help to me and how I can be a better partner and how to deal with people in the world today. I love what I have learned and I use it in my everyday life. I would like to thank the staff here and God bless the people on this staff. Thank you.
Reginald J. Primas
I, Reginald J. Primas, offer my most open and honest view of the COPES, Creating Lasting Family Connections Program. I think that there have been many valuable life skills and tools given to broaden my perspective of living in society. I believe for any individual whom has been living “maladjusted” in society it will enhance their minds to a better way of living and accomplishing goals. I wholeheartedly realize that the staff members here at COPES do have and share genuine concern for the participants. I will say by doing so they have created an environment for higher learning and living in the community and society as a whole. In closing, thank you and best regards.
Donald Tucker
Through out this twenty week program, I was able to gain some good knowledge. I have been taught some valuable tools that I can and have incorporated into my life. I have a new way of thinking and communicating, which is what is needed in order for me to be a productive member of society. To be honest, I wasn’t too thrilled at the beginning, but as time went on, my mind began to open up and I learned a lot in the process.
Dale Abell
My name is Dale Abell. I’ve recently been released from prison and required to attend this COPES program. At first when they told me it was a 20 week program, I was very apprehensive about the whole process. As I progressed in the program I started seeing a difference in the way I saw life on life’s terms. I found that there are a lot of ways to read, myself and others. I found myself watching other people’s body language, and I learned tools to deal with problems that may arise with society, me and my family. I also learned about HIV, STDS and other health problems. In addition to all that, I learned a lot about alcohol and drug prevention. I believe this knowledge along with the other information I have obtained will be instrumental in my staying sober which in turn will make me a more successful and productive part of society. Thanks so much!
Johnny Clark
I learned a lot about dealing with my children and different ways of handling them. I also learned a lot about drugs and alcohol. This program was helpful in different areas.
My thoughts and feelings about the programs!!! It’s a good program. By me working the program it has made me look at situations and problems different in my life. What I mean is I think before I react. It also has changed my attitude for others (positive). It’s a good program.
Michael F.
This program has helped me analyze me and my spouse’s problems. We worked it out; we sat down and talked it out. It also let me know that it’s not about who is wrong in the relationship, it’s about coming up with a solution to solve the wrong or the disagreements. We have to stop pointing fingers at each other. So I would advise any couple to take this class, it would certainly strengthen your marriage.
Chuck & Debbie C.
Dear Friends at “COPES,” and Anyone it May Concern, Thank you for all your help, You’ve enabled our relationship to become stronger… The only regret I have, Is that the program didn’t last longer! You’ve all become special in our hearts, And we hope we’ll still see you soon… Four people who helped strengthen our marriage, Clarissa, Brooke, Ted, and Boone! For any others who may consider your program, We pray blessings and many high hopes… May love fill each of your households; I thank God for programs like COPES!
Brooke C.
COPES-Thank you for giving me, personally, the skills I need to communicate with my partner in more of an organized way. Validating and echoing our thoughts and feelings has worked tremendously with us. Please keep passing your knowledge to others in need. You’ve got it all, just keep teaching! Thank you! You’ve been a blessing to this family. We were on the verge of divorce and made a comeback! Lots of love!
Rico & Kristie B.
To COPES, Thank you for this wonderful program. It was well needed to those who never knew a different way. God was all in this because it turned out great. May God Bless this program to go around the world to make a difference. Love Always.
LaDonna B.
I want to thank all of the facilitators for all of the knowledge and skills they have provided me with. When my husband and I first started the program we had a pretty good relationship, but with the help of this program we are able to communicate better, we have learned to echo and validate one another, and we are also able to listen to one another better. This program has helped us and I believe it will help other couples as well. This program really does enhance your marriage.
Jessica K.
I really enjoyed this class. Sad it has to end. It has really made a difference in the way my husband and I communicate. I believe the skills learned in this class will help us in our decision and quest to have a long, loving marriage. Keep up the great work COPES.
Landon Niquel P.
I have been thoroughly impressed with the Healthy Marriage classes presented by COPES. This is a learning tool that has helped me and my partner to both continue to grow and be ourselves. I would strongly recommend this class to anyone who hasn’t had the chance to deal with COPES programs before. The staff and personnel were wonderful. I’m glad that I joined the class. Thanks.
Lawrence P.
I learned how to listen and talk to my wife! God Bless!!
Larry H.
I liked the COPES Healthy Marriage class. I learned a lot and am happy to use what I learned. I will be telling others about this class. Thanks COPES.
John C. Maxwell Leadership Team selects Ted. N. Strader among top 100 leaders in the country. Click here for selected testimonials.