Overview of Case Management Services (JIM)
Reentry and recovery populations often have other family members, friends, counselors, ministers, probation officers, therapists or interested parties who are invested in their long-term success. Because of this, the CLFC Program developer created a special approach to case management called the Joint Intervention Meeting (JIM). While some form of case management services is a required core component, optional Joint Intervention Meetings involve a specialized way of providing case management and encouraging, supporting and setting up accountability partners for participants in early periods of recovery or reentry while the risks for behavioral slippage are typically high.
Combining the desire to serve participants with effective case management services, involving a high level of partner agency collaboration, the CLFC Program developer designed Joint Intervention Meetings to move the interactional pattern with reentry participants from a reactive response to a proactive response. Joint Intervention Meetings were designed for key partner agency staff representatives to meet both privately and jointly with selected reentry and recovery participants to provide a collective and consistent message of strong support, cultural sensitivity, respect, understanding and accountability.
This pro-active, supportive and preventative approach occurred prior to the engagement of major sanctions or interventions from the criminal justice system for failure to comply with probationary requirements. Agencies planning to serve special populations (i.e. recovery, reentry, military, individuals experiencing any form of physical or emotional separation from their families, etc) are strongly encouraged to engage family members, friends and key representatives of partner agencies in caring, collaborative and preventive Joint Intervention Meetings to provide a wide safety net of both support and personal accountability for each participant’s success, while encouraging healthy decision-making and long-term personal and family stability.