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Frequently Asked Questions for the Original CLFC Program


CLFC is modular in design. There are six distinct training modules, Developing Positive Parental Influences (adult ATOD training), Developing a Positive Response (youth ATOD training), Raising Resilient Youth (parent enhancement training), Developing Independence and Responsibility (youth Responsibility training) and Getting Real Communications Training (which can be conducted for adults and youth, or combined parents and youth). The modular design allows portions of our program to be implemented along with your already existing programs or it can be implemented as a comprehensive model as a complete package. The program is also separated into three parent and three youth components and each of these sub units can also be implemented separately if desired.

This design allows your trainers to determine the needs of the clients they serve and implement the program in a variety of ways that will ensure their clients stay interested and have their needs met.

Therefore, the program was designed so the prevention professionals can add or drop parts of this program in order to use what works best for the population they are serving.

This program was designed to be implemented within schools, communities, churches, and/or community organizations collectively or individually. This flexibility is a major advantage to agencies which already have serious prevention efforts in place. Our individual components can be added to increase the number of life domains already addressed by existing prevention efforts in already active communities.


COPES will send you a free information packet that has a copy of the four published journal articles. These articles clearly describe the scientific findings of this program. The COPES information packet is written in such a way that grant writers can take our information and plug it directly into a grant. We have a “logic model” which specifically outlines the scientific design. This information is free of charge and is available by calling COPES at (502) 583-6820. Also available is a video that discusses our program and gives some information that you can share with your co-workers/executive director/ whoever else may be interested in this program. This video is priced at $29.95 and can be mailed out along with your information package and a bill.

Curriculum package cost is regularly $1125.

Included in this price is the following:

  • All five manuals (and stylish carrying case for manuals and notebooks).
    (25 per training component).
  • 74 posters (and portfolio sized carrying case).

This program has an evaluation package available for purchase separately. The evaluation instruments are designed so that you can have your own evaluators do the evaluation of your implementation of this program or you have the option of having our COPES evaluation team assist with evaluation under a separate contract. This evaluation package is priced at only $300.00.

Implementation training is available from the developer. For more information about this model program, including evaluation, training, or grant writing assistance, please call:
Ted N. Strader
(502) 583-6820 COPES, Inc.

The rest of this page addresses the kinds of questions we often receive from those interested in our program. We suggest you review the questions listed below and select any for an immediate response.

Just click on any question (e.g. Q 1 etc) and check out the answer!!

Q 1 How do we know that the Creating Lasting Family Connections® program is effective?

Q 2 If I implement Creating Lasting Family Connections®, how can I measure whether my implementation is successful?

Q 3 What are the main differences between Creating Lasting Family Connections® and the earlier Creating Lasting Connections?

Q 4 How does Creating Lasting Family Connections® achieve involvement of parents?

Q 5 How does CLFC achieve involvement of youth?

Q 6 You have noted that how one defines community is a key to successfully implementing prevention programs. What does this mean for an organization that is interested in implementing Creating Lasting Family Connections®?

Q 7 What does it take to be a good trainer for Creating Lasting Family Connections®?

Q 8 Having discussed characteristics of a good trainer for CLFC, how do you assess a potential trainers’ skills and qualities to implement the program? What training do you offer them based on your assessment?

Q 9 You discussed what makes a good trainer, but what about community advocate teams? What makes a good team? A good team member?

Q 10 In the standard implementation of CLFC, what is the optimum group size for the training for parents? For youth?

Q 11 What training materials are available for those who want to implement Creating Lasting Family Connections®? What other materials (such as implementation handbooks) do you recommend?

Q 12 What if my organization wants to write a grant for funding to implement Creating Lasting Family Connections®? Can COPES assist us in this?

Q 13 What is the average cost for implementing Creating Lasting Family Connections®?

Q 14 What generally is involved in the Creating Lasting Family Connections® implementation training?

Q 15 Does completion of the CLFC implementation training qualify a trainer to train others who are interested in implementing the CLFC program in other communities?

Q 16 Your Creating Lasting Family Connections® program appears to go pretty deep. Is this therapy?

Q 17 Do you think most grass-roots facilitators are qualified to become Creating Lasting Family Connections®’ trainers and take on such a deep and powerful role?

Q 18 Your training seems very sophisticated. How well does it work with uneducated or economically disadvantaged families?

Q 19 How do you make your training culturally relevant for minority populations?

Q 20 Violence is a big issue right now. How does your program target violence prevention?

Q 21 What are some common problems people encounter when using your program?

Q 22 Okay, I’m convinced your program is the greatest thing since sliced bread. How can I convince my boss or the other community leaders to purchase and implement your program?

Q 23 What if I think of other questions about CLFC later?

Call or email COPES at (502) 583-6820 or tstrader@sprynet.com.