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A Conceptual View of the Original CLFC Program Alcohol and Drug Prevention Model and its Anticipated Outcomes

Direct Effects ________________ Moderating Effects ……………………..
Risk and Protective Factors Targeted by CLFC
Individual (Youth) Domain

  • Increased appropriate ATOD knowledge and beliefs
  • Increased attitudes unfavorable to ATOD use
  • Increased refusal skills
  • Increased bonding with mother
    Increased bonding with father
  • Increased honest communication
    Increased participation in family rule setting (both ATOD and non-ATOD)
  • Increased bonding with community
  • Increased social skills

Family Domain

  • Increased appropriate parental ATOD knowledge and beliefs
  • Increased appropriate parental ATOD behavior
  • Increased family management skills (including family meetings)
  • Increased bonding with youth
  • Increased involvement of youth in family rule setting (both ATOD and non-ATOD)
  • Increased positive family communication
  • Increased help-seeking for family and personal problems
  • Increased appropriate expectations and consequences
  • Increased family stability and cohesiveness
  • Decreased family conflict
  • Increased family recreation and community activities

Community Domain

  • Increased perception (youth and parent) of community support
  • Increased health and social service access
  • Increased community empowerment
  • Increased responsiveness and flexibility of social service provision
  • Increased community service

School Domain

  • Increased school bonding by youth
  • Increased school attendance
  • Improved school climate
Logic Model
GOAL: To reduce ATOD use and related problems among adolescents.

Description of Target Population

Patterns of ATOD Use

Long Term Objective(s)

Measurement Tools Available
(Outcome Measures)
  • Youth ages 12-17
  • Alcohol use
  • Tobacco use
  • Other drug use
  • Delay onset of use
  • Reduce frequency of use
  • CLFC Youth Survey
  • Youth ages 12-17

  • Antisocial, violent and deviant behavior
  • Reduce antisocial, violent and deviant behavior
  • CLFC Youth Survey
Domain: Individual (Youth)

Risk / Protective Factors

Intermediate Objective(s)

Measurement Tools Available (Outcome Measures)


Appropriate ATOD knowledge and beliefs Increased appropriate knowledge and beliefs DPR
Attitudes unfavorable to ATOD use Decreased attitudes favorable to ATOD use CLFC Youth Survey DPR
Refusal skills Increased refusal skills GR
Bonding with mother Increased bonding with mother CLFC Youth Survey All youth & parent modules
Bonding with father Increased bonding with father CLFC Youth Survey All youth & parent modules
Honest communication Increased honest communication CLFC Youth Survey GR
Participation in family rule-setting (non-ATOD) Increased participation in family rule-setting (non-ATOD) CLFC Parent Survey DIR, DPPI
Participation in family rule-setting (ATOD) Increased participation in family rule-setting (ATOD) CLFC Parent Survey DIR, DPPI
Bonding with community Increased bonding with community All youth & parent modules
Social skills Enhanced social skills GR
KEY: Youth Modules: DPR = Developing a Positive Response; DIR = Developing Independence & Responsibility; GR = Getting Real
Parent Modules: DPPI = Developing Positive Parental Influences; RRY = Raising Resilient Youth; GR = Getting Real
Domain: Family

Risk / Protective Factors

Intermediate Objective(s)

Measurement Tools Available
(Outcome Measures)


Appropriate ATOD knowledge and beliefs Increased appropriate knowledge and beliefs DPPI, DIR
Parent’s situational use of ATOD Increased appropriate situational use of ATOD by parents DPPI
Frequency of family meetings Increased family meetings CLFC Parent Survey RRY
Bonding with youth (youth report) Increased bonding with youth (youth report) CLFC Youth Survey All parent & youth modules
Communication with youth Increased communication with youth CLFC Parent Survey GR, RRY
Involvement of youth in setting non-ATOD rules Increased involvement of youth in setting non-ATOD rules CLFC Parent Survey RRY
Involvement of youth in setting ATOD rules Increased involvement of youth in setting ATOD rules CLFC Parent Survey All parent & youth modules
Help-seeking for family problems Increased help-seeking for family problems CLFC Parent Survey All parent & youth modules
Positive consequences for youth following important family rules Increased positive consequences for youth following important family rules CLFC Parent Survey RRY, DIR, DPPI
Negative consequences for youth breaking important family rules Increased negative consequences for youth breaking important family rules CLFC Parent Survey RRY, DIR
Family stability and cohesiveness Increased family stability and cohesiveness All parent & youth modules
Family conflict Decreased family conflict All parent & youth modules
Family recreation and community activities Increased family recreation and community activities All parent & youth modules
KEY: Youth Modules: DPR = Developing a Positive Response; DIR = Developing Independence & Responsibility; GR = Getting Real
Parent Modules: DPPI = Developing Positive Parental Influences; RRY = Raising Resilient Youth; GR = Getting Real
Domain: Community

Risk / Protective Factors

Intermediate Objective(s)

Measurement Tools Available
(Outcome Measures)


Youth and parent perception of community support Increased perception of community support Help-seeking by youth and parents Community Advocate Team development
Youth and parent access to appropriate health and social services Increased access to appropriate health and social services Follow-up and case management records Follow-up and case management services
Community empowerment Increased level of community empowerment Replication of program model in the community Community Advocate Team training and development
Responsiveness and flexibility of social service provision Increased responsiveness and flexibility of social service provision Community Advocate Team training and development
Increased community service Increased community service Hours spent by Community Advocates Community Advocate Team training and development
KEY: Youth Modules: DPR = Developing a Positive Response; DIR = Developing Independence & Responsibility; GR = Getting Real
Parent Modules: DPPI = Developing Positive Parental Influences; RRY = Raising Resilient Youth; GR = Getting Real
Domain: School

Risk / Protective Factors

Intermediate Objective(s)

Measurement Tools Available
(Outcome Measures)


School bonding by youth Increased school bonding by youth RRY and other modules
School attendance Improved school attendance RRY and other modules
School climate Improved school climate RRY and other modules
KEY: Youth Modules: DPR = Developing a Positive Response; DIR = Developing Independence & Responsibility; GR = Getting Real
Parent Modules: DPPI = Developing Positive Parental Influences; RRY = Raising Resilient Youth; GR = Getting Real